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Notice of online public consultation for a strategic approach to council lands at Gort Road, Ennis, Co. Clare

13 January 2023

Closed for submissions
Submission deadline: Friday January 20, 2023

Clare County Council has appointed a design team to develop a 20-unit scheme at Gort Road, Ennis, Co. Clare.

The team is headed up by Vincent Hannon Hannon Architects along with Hasett Leyden & Associates, Moloney Fox Consulting Engineers & Roggerson Reddan.

As advised at an open public consultation held on Tuesday 13th December 2022, the drawings displayed on the night will be displayed on the Clare County Councils yoursay portal.

For more information, go to: 

This portal will be available for viewing from Friday 13th January 2023

This portal will provide opportunity for interested stakeholder groups and individuals to view the drawings presented on the night and make submissions.

Closing Date

Friday January 20, 2023

Page last updated: 13/01/23

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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